The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Nothing To See Here!

Before I begin this post, let me remind everyone that my mom subscribes to this blog. And at times this space can get a little racy. So, as a token of goodwill, I would like to start out with a word to her: "Aren't recipe's GREAT?!"

Ok, that link should keep her busy for hours. But just in case she tries to sneak back in here I'm gonna post this too....

She'll be so mesmerized by the cuteness she may never recover.

Now, I don't know how I became the collector of rare and odd iPod accessory knowledge, but this is the most bizarre one ever. Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about this. It's the iPod vibrator called the OhMiBod. (I guess I feel...tingley?!)

It's the ultimate in plug-and-play-with-yourself technology. You plug the vibrator into your iPod earphone jack (you plug the other end somewhere completely different!) and then it vibrates to the rhythm and intensity of the music.

Here is an actual question from the OhMiBod FAQ page:

"Q: Can I use OhMiBod in the car?

A: The simple answer is yes - but we don't recommend it (could be a bit distracting to your driving). But if you are a passenger - we say go for it!"

For the record I'd just like to state that in Chicago it is illegal to use your cell phone while operating an automobile. I think this is a touch more distracting than that. But I can't wait until the legislation catches up to this! Those open hearings will elicit testimony that will necessitate city council meetings have a cover charge and a two drink minimum!

You can even go on iTunes and download OhMiBod playlists featuring songs that give you the most bang for your buck...literally. There are playlists with as few as 5 songs or as many as 15 songs. Frankly, if you need 15 songs, well you're just bragging.

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1 Responses to “Nothing To See Here!”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    That... is brilliant.
    I bet the batteries don't last as long, though.


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