The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

The Wide World of Injuries

So my back has been giving me problems lately. This is not a new thing. My back acts up all the time. I used to think it was just a desperate cry for attention from a neglected muscle group, but now I'm starting to think it's something more. So I went on-line to find some upper back and neck exercises I could do to help out. I found exactly two, and last night I did them both. Today I have a pain in my back and a pain in my arm from the exercises. If you're scoring at home my pains have now doubled.

I was always told that you need to warm up before you exercise. Last week I had a conversation with someone who told me that you couldn't warm up until you've broken a sweat. When asked how you were supposed to break a sweat without warming up he got evasive and countered with, "you need the blood in the right muscles in order to warm up." This logic was lost on me as I keep blood in my muscles at all times...especially my brain. And now my brain is telling me that it may be true that I need to warm up before I exercise or I may hurt myself. And it may be true that I need to sweat first before I warm up or I may hurt myself as well. Well, I'd hate to choose the wrong path and end up injuring myself even further. So my choice is the the path I've tread all along: SLOTH! Screw this noise, I'm getting a sundae and going to bed!

1 Responses to “The Wide World of Injuries”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous i guess i was jealous of your back pain, 'cause when i got home tonight my lower back decided to shriek with pain. i'm not so happy about this. i didn't really want to join your featured appearance on "the wide world of injuries," but god must hate me or something.  

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