The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Damned Kids! Humbug!

We had our holiday party for work last night. We had a Secret Santa program (What's the Jewish equivalent here? Mysterious Macabee?) and the accompanying photo is the gift I gave. See, in keeping with the company asthetic, we had to MAKE our Secret Santa gift. So what you see there is four lengths of PVC pipe, four pipe connectors and a whole lot of drawing. Within minutes of opening the present the person I gave it to broke it. He pulled the picture out of the pipes. I don't know why, but I blame the open bar. I fixed it for him and showed him how it was all attached so that if it happened again he could fix it himself. The next time I saw him he had broken it AGAIN and didn't seem to care if it got fixed. This time I blame the conga lina that had formed behind him.

I don't know WHY I try. I do and do and do for these people, and what does it get me? Another day older and deeper in debt! Next time I'm just gonna give my Secret Santa a plaster imprint of my hand. Mom seemed like those and they're VERY hard to break!

3 Responses to “Damned Kids! Humbug!”

  1. # Blogger Ryan Barrett


  2. # Anonymous Anonymous

    FIRE DOOR!!  

  3. # Anonymous Anonymous

    If you think that bolt is going to go throught that hole, you're going to have problems with women for the rest of your life. . .  

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