Remember Children, Caffeine is a Drug!
0 Comments Published by Chris on Thursday, December 01, 2005 at 12:11 AM.I left the house tonight in search of a good Mountain Dew fix. They are continually running some promotion or another where you can redeem a winning bottle cap for a free Dew when you purchase another one. Well, I was the proud possessor of such a cap and I was going to go get myself 2, count 'em TWO, Mountain Dews. One for now, and one back up! Because you never know when you're gonna need back up.
Anyway, I did not go to Dunking Donuts because they have rebuffed my free soda advances before. "We don't accept those," they told me, "try next door." I go to the convenience store next door. "We don't take those." Ok. I now only have one option available to me. It is a bar/convenience store down the street. (Sounds crazy, but it's true. Inside the front door if you walk to the right it's a bar and to the left is a convenience store!) I walk in, grab me two Mountain Dews and stride confidently to the counter and nonchalantly slide the bottle cap onto the counter. The slack-jawed mouth-breather behind the counter just stares at me. "We don't take those." I just grit my teeth and eeked out, "ok, just this one then."
I get home with my Mountain Dew and my rejected bottle cap. And when I get home and open the new bottle I realize that the bottle cap of the Mountain Dew I just purchased was a "winner" as well. Now I have 2 bottle caps I can't use anywhere!
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