The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Dispatches from the Front

I'm writing to you as we draw to a close the first day of ANNIVERSAPALOOZA!

This weekend marks our first wedding anniversary and we are doing it up in a grand style, namely by actually getting to spend time together. It's a novelty to us sadly. She's so busy with school and work and I am always either working or performing that we hardly ever see each other. So this morning Jen got up and took a test and then we spent the rest of the day together. We watched some TV, did some shopping, had great dinner at Jack's on Halsted (amazing cherry pie! And the potatoes that come with the NY strip steak are fantastic!) and then we went and saw The Blue Man Group. They were "papering" the house tonight. That's theater talk for "giving away free tickets to our friends because the show didn't sell well today." I think we spent more time together today than we have since we've been in Chicago.

Our actual anniversary is on Sunday, but we're taking off the whole weekend. Tomorrow we plan on sleeping in and taking in another show that I wrangled free tickets to. More on that later.

Suffice it to say that this anniversary business is a pretty sweet deal!

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