The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Major Snowfall Meets General Havoc

There was a great deal of snowfall today in Chicago. I don't know the total yet becase it is still snowing but I'd say a good 4 inches. Anyway I walked a short distance from work today to deposit my paycheck and on the way there I barely looked up. See when it snows this much this fast things become very slick very quickly it is best to watch very carefully where you are going. One of the few times I looked up I was greeted by a man in a bright yellow jacket walking with a friend. The many in the yellow jacket looks at me and says, "It's a lot of snow." I was speechless. I was half a block away before I stopped laughing. I'm glad I had that man in my life to point out the obvious. That's probably why his friend is with him, because he overlooks the obvious. They need each other. I shudder to think what would happen to the friend if yellow jacket wasn't there reminding him to breath in and breath out.

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