The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Anniversapalooza: Day Two

This morning Jen and I received a package from my mom and step dad. It contained a nice anniversary card (our only one!), some stamps for mailing our Christmas letter, two boxes of Girl Scout Cookies and the cake topper we used last year on our wedding cake. The anniversary card contained some money that I promptly spent. I got a hair cut and lunch for the both of us. Well, the hair cut was for me, but lunch was for both of us. Jen and I watched the third Harry Potter movie in preparation for the 4th Harry Potter movie which we intended to see this evening but didn't. We may still go tomorrow. Sunday (which is TODAY actually) is shaping up to be a huge movie day. We intend to see Harry Potter AND the Johnny Cash biopic. (That's two different movies by the way. Johnny Cash is not IN the Harry Potter movie...but that's a cool idea!) As long as I'm free associating, "Thanks for the stuff Mom. We appreciate it!"

Anyway, we went to a production of a show called Plaid Tidings. It is the holiday sequel to Forever Plaid. Well, the singing was excellent, but that's about all you can say for the show. The story was non-existant and the dialogue was atrocious...but the yokels we saw it with ate the show up! And while I'm complaining about them let me ask this: when did wearing shoes in a theater become OPTIONAL? I saw sitting next to two teenagers who had their shoes off. I could have chalked that up to youthful indiscretion, but there were two ladies a row down from us who were fifty if they were a day and THEY had their shoes off too. What? We're not in your living room so please keep on all the clothes you wore INTO the theater!

Then Jen and I got a horrid dinner and a terrible diner and came home. This is why you do your anniversary over several days. Some of them are bound to have bad crap in them, so you want to play the averages. The more time you have the more opportunity you have to get it right!

I will likely not be blogging tomorrow because I will not be home. Jen and I are spending the night at a hotel downtown courtesy of my boss. He called in some favors and got me a gift certificate for this posh place on the river just off Michigan Avenue. If there's a computer in the room I will tell you about it, but don't count on it. I know they have wi-fi access at the hotel, but all I have is this desktop, and I'm not carting it downtown for the evening for you or anyone else.

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