The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.


I heard on the radio today that according to the MacArthur Foundation adolescence doesn't end until the age of 34. And I have to believe them. They are the people responsible for the Genius Grant, so it's their job to know stuff. But that means that my wife, a card carrying adult, is married to an adolescent...and that makes me nervous. I fear that she'll grow tired of my talk of study hall and school dances. That she won't help me with my geometry. I'm so awkward around girls. ARRRRGGGGHHHH! No one understands me! I'm gonna go lock myself in my room and write some poetry.

1 Responses to “Adolescence”

  1. # Blogger Ryan Barrett

    Dude! Dude, let's go ditch her after fourth period. I stole some cigarettes from my mom and I think I know this guy who has someone who can maybe get us pot. But, don't let Jen catch you are you might totally get grounded, like, totally grounded ands tuff.  

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