The Intelligence Estimate

Only an estimate. Actual intelligence may vary.

Value-Added Commodity

The city manager of Largo, Florida, Steve Stanton, was fired because he is in the process of becoming Susan Stanton. You may have seen him on the Daily Show. Well, now Steve has applied for the same position in Sarasota, Florida but applied under Susan's name.

I'm very interested to see how this turns out in a highly-contentious red state like Florida because, despite their stance on alternative lifestyles, this is the perfect situation for Republican economics. They can hire a "man" to do the job, but pay $.70 on the dollar because a "woman" is doing it. Transgendered applicants are better value!

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Those Things Will Kill Ya!

Fox News Headline: Stray Bullet Kills Boy on Trampoline in Texas; Man Arrested.

See? This just proves what I've always said: trampolines are dangerous. Everyone is so worried about protecting kids from child predators, dirty movies and gun violence, but they never see the demon in their own backyard. Wake up people! Guns don't kill people, TRAMPOLINES DO!

I Really Want To Know!

Can anyone tell me why the original Planet of the Apes was running on the HISTORY CHANNEL yesterday?

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Money, It's a Hit!

I got an e-mail from my good friend Maxwell Adama the other day. If you've never heard me talk of Max before it is only because I didn't know anything about him until last week. It seems that Max is the Auditing and Accounting Manager of the Bank of Africa in Burkina Faso and, due to some accounting snafu, he's been left with a large sum of unclaimed money. It belonged to a German man who died, along with his entire family, in a plane crash in 2000.

"Whatever will he do," you ask?

It seems that a clerical loophole allows foreigners to pose as next of kin and claim the fortune for themselves! All I need to do is send Max all of my personal information and we can split the money. Ten percent is apportioned for processing fees. Then the remainder is split between myself (30%) and Max (60%.)

How could this go wrong?

When I first heard this I thought, "Remember when this scam was the sole property of Nigerian royalty? What took the rest of the continent so long?"

Now naturally I have some questions about this arrangement. How exactly am I going to prove that I am related to the dead guy? I have no connection to him whatsoever except that his name appeared in a shady e-mail from the Bank of Africa that I received last week. Is that all the more connection you need? Because if it is I think I can see why Africa is in the shape it's in! Or are they trying to tell us that all white people look alike to them? Touche Bank of Africa! Well played.

The other part I have a problem with is the portions. Thirty percent? I'm supposed to give up my bank account numbers and routing information to an African pyramid scheme for 30% of the take? Don't insult me. Offer me the 60 percent share and then, due to unforeseen expenses, banking embargoes and tariffs, keep weaseling my share down to the 30 percent I was going to get anyway! But don't START at 30 percent. Even if you were going to hack my percentage down to 7 or 8 later, don't start at such a low number! I don't get out of bed in the morning for less than 60 percent of any unclaimed fortune! Please Bank of Africa, you demean us both!

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Whose Humps Are These?


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Subscription Changes

FYI- Our temporary solution to the site feed problem is to remove all site feed buttons. This does not effect you if you have the posts delivered to your email account. The best way to recive these posts has always been via e-mail, and that remains true today. I am not sure how we will proceed in the future, but I will keep you updated.

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Sorry I haven't been posting regularly, but I have a reason: I have been finishing the exploding whale show. I up the writing about a week ago and now I am working on editing and some technical details. I am also working on a website for the show, but so far have only gotten as far as registering a domain name.

As for The Intelligence Estimate, well I have a back log of stories I have to clear out, so I promise you there will be a lot of new material coming soon. There is also a minor glitch with the news feeds for this site. So if you have been keeping up to date with an RSS feed you've not been getting the updates. I've got my team of tech monkeys working on it right now.

That's all the news for the moment. There should be a new post later today. Thanks for reading.

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